Petroleum is one of the courses that has not seen much light but has a great scope in the practical field. Petroleum engineers explore and work on techniques and methods to extract the oils and gas from the reserves. Over the decades, the oil and gas industry has seen a boom in demand; as the transport and industries heavily rely on these resources.

It is a tedious process to locate, drill and extract and process the extracted fuel. Petroleum engineers can choose to develop and observe a specific part of the process that improves the overall outcome. Petroleum engineers are required to carry out thorough calculation and analysis before and post-extraction. Once extracted, the oils and gases are combined with other chemicals, additives and undergoes refining and processing to be put to use.


Roles of a Petroleum Engineer


Oil extraction depends on the extracting equipment and machinery; these types of equipment are approved, managed and observed by the petroleum engineers. Therefore, the applications of the acquired knowledge from the courses are vast. Responsibilities and roles of a petroleum engineer include –

  • Building transport and supply system from the oil source to the destination. Transport and supply is a tricky part that is dealt with by the petroleum engineer.
  • Ensuring the safety of the product and workers. Since it is highly risky to be working with and around inflammable like oils and gases, a full-fledged safety norm is checked and implied by the petroleum engineer.
  • Increasing the production and extraction of oil and gases.


Acquiring a degree in petroleum engineering requires practical field knowledge and field visits. Therefore, only limited universities with access to such technology provide this course. However, in Bangalore only Presidency University is where one can get a degree in Petroleum Engineering.


